Club Colours

Club Colours
Does a proper shirt make us real cyclists?

Bikes, Beer & Banter from The Old Sun

Bikes, Beer & Banter is what what Ampthill Cyclists is all about. Now in our 18th year, we are an informal club who ride purely for the craic. Ages (17-60+), fitness & commitment vary, but we share one thing in common- we love cycling (as well as the odd beer & a bit of banter) . We meet at The Old Sun, Ampthill on Thursday evenings from spring to late summer. Setting off at around 6.15, we ride between 20- 30 miles, stopping for a beer or two on the way back to the Old Sun for a couple more.

We're pretty much an autonomous collective- though we do have an elected (press ganged?) chairman.

New members are always welcome.

If you are looking for time trials and training we are not for you but if you enjoy Bikes, Beer & Banter come along on Thursday.

Thursday 3 September 2009

27th August- Last of the Summer Wine

It's scary that we're nearing the end of August and that there'll not be many more Thursday night rides this year. This was brought home by the fact that we arrived at the pub in in the dark for the first time this season.

The pub in question was the Jolly Cooper's at Wardhedges (no relation)- yet another Charles Wells establishment offering good beer and a warm welcome. So good were both that none of us could understand why we've only been there once this year. It's been added to our shortlist of two as a potential venue for this year's Christmas bash.

We arrived at the Jolly's via Steppingley, Ridgmont, Woburn & Westoning on another blustery evening. There were nine of us - CP/CH/Brian/Richard the Pub/Mark the Fireman/Mick/Loren/Paresh & Clive, the latter two making their first appearances for some weeks. The ride itself was fairly un-eventful although we did provide an answer to that age old riddle- "How many cyclists does it take to change a tyre?" Answer-"Lots" especially if half of them are providing a very un-helpful commentary. This was demonstrated by CP who punctured before we got to Steppingley and captured on camera by Mick. The Ferrari pit crew has nothing to worry about!

Once we got going, we set a steady pace to Ridgmont- The usual sprint down the back of the safari park was hindered by the wind and even though we were in a disciplined formation for once we hardly topped 25 mph.

The ale in the Jolly's was the appropriately named Summer Lightning. As has become the norm of late, we stayed for an extra pint or so. Talk of the forthcoming tour prompted many war stories of past trips- some of which may even have been true and by the time we left it was pitch black and pretty cool. Brian had taken much stick about his new Audrey Hepburn style arm warmers but I think he had the last laugh as we were met by a chill wind at Hollerton Basin.

Our departure was somewhat shambolic (nothing to do with the beer, honest) and we split into four different groups, taking three different routes for the ride home. The real hardcore headed back to the Old Sun whilst the rest decided to call it a (very enjoyable) night.

25 miles at 14.5 mph

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